So, who am I, then?

My real name is Ophélie Bruneau. I took the nickname "Jorinda" years ago, because I thought Ophélie sounded both too French and too Shakespearian. "The Frenchgirl" came when I realized I was more or less the only French person in the world of cyberadoption, which is, of course, no more the case! This is no patriotism. I am not a patriot, except perhaps when a French athlete wins an Olympic event :-)

Physically speaking, I am a small young woman of 25, with a light complexion, long dark brown hair and hazel eyes, fleshy but not qualifying as a "plus" girl. I have a son, Mahé, born on the 30th of March 2003.

Although I grew up in Reunion Island, a territory owned by France in the Indian Ocean (and totally integrated to the country, a bit like Hawaii in the USA), I currently live near Paris, a city that doesn't live up to the myth around it, at least not in my opinion. I work in a banking company as a computer engineer. My boyfriend is known on the Web as Nounours.
We have lived together for seven years and are still madly in love, thank you.

Manda's Aquarius doll
We are both Aquarius! (doll by Manda)

I try to keep my life as full as possible. I really should start sport again, but I still consider myself as an active woman. I am interested in legends and myths, and the Egyptian goddess Maat is tattoed on my left hip.

More about my personality

Photos of my son!

Family portrait
Our happy family - April 2004